By South Carolina Law, you can reward your child's hard work and with a legally recognized high school diploma. To award the high school diploma, your child must complete the 24 minimum credits needed for graduation. Two checklists are provided below. The minimum list is for high school graduation only. The listing for college bound students includes additional minimum requirements as listed by the SC Commission on Higher Education for those students intending to attend a four year university, or a two year institution for university transfer.
Local Support Groups hold cap and gown graduation ceremonies. Join a group and check early in the school year for details on Graduation ceremonies. Don't wait until the last minute! Planning a meaningful ceremony takes time for organizers and families and early deadlines are common.
Your child may also be eligible for scholarships, but careful records and GPA's must be kept. For scholarships, students must also take the SAT or ACT at designated testing sites. Taking the SAT or ACT early will help you see in what areas they may need extra help. You may take the SAT or ACT more than once to obtain a better score. See the link to College Board below for information on registering to take those tests.
We cannot stress enough--Proper recordkeeping of high school credits earned is CRUCIAL! Colleges, Technical schools, and employers, even temporary agencies EXPECT credible, truthful, professional transcripts to be kept for any high school students. A "diploma" in hand is NOT ENOUGH "proof" for a growing number of employers. Your child's future is worth your keeping meticulous records of all your hard work! These resources for High Schoolers will be of help. We also hold yearly High School Transcript Workshops (to be announced on this website) to aid parents in the ease of keeping careful records of their child's work. KEEP copies of their transcript in their PERMANENT RECORDS.
Preparing your Child for College in High School
High School Credit Requirements
--applied beginning 2016-2017 School to present
--High School Diploma packages, cap and gown, tassles
--College Board
--Another option for high school testing
Official Foothills Ranking Policy
--An outlined copy of our Policy explaining HOW we obtain class ranking for high school students.
There are Additional Documents that you may find helpful on the web. Search "homeschooling High School" to find more. Contact Us if you would like more information or would like to attend a member meeting when we cover how to get your child ready for high school.
The SC Commission on Higher ED held a meeting in October on Scholarship Eligibility and High School Transcripts. Here are some bulleted high points of that meeting:
- Only "Core" courses such as Literature/Composition, Math, Science, and Social Studies AND higher level languages and arts are eligible for Honors weighting. This is in their official written policy, which is available on their website.
- High school transcripts must be submitted to Foothills by June 5th of each year, so that ranking can be computed and submitted to Scholarship Committees and Colleges.
- Transcripts submitted must reflect the FINAL GPA for that school year and must match the GPA submitted to colleges and scholarship committees.
- Ranking must be listed at the top of the transcript.
- Transcripts cannot be altered after being submitted June 5th. All courses completed over the summer must be entered on the following year's transcript