January Checkoff meetings are set!


Details and sign up links to follow later

Saturday, Jan 25th
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Trinity Baptist Church

504 South Oak St.

Seneca, SC 29678

Monday, Jan 27th
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Westminster Fire Department

100 E. Windsor Street

Westminster, SC 29693

Tuesday, Jan 28th
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Central Church of God, Prophecy

107 Martin Street

Central, SC 29630

Please bring your Planbook showing completion of 90 days of school, Samples of work for each subject as listed below, and a progress report.

  • K-8 students bring 2 samples per subject from 1st semester work.
  • High school students (or students taking courses for high school credit) bring 5 samples of work per subject from 1st semester
  • If taking an entire high school course in one semester, bring 10 samples per course completed.
  • If your student is taking ALL/ONLY Dual Credit Courses this semester, please email me.