Checkoff Information
At Foothills Accountability Association, we LOVE, SERVE, and PRAY FOR each of our member families. It is our desire to help support each family in their homeschooling journey. Our volunteers expend hundreds of hours per year supporting homeschooling families. It is not practical to meet individually with each family, and it is unfair to expect us to. Every effort is made to provide at least 3 separate Checkoff meeting times and locations, and we expect each member to make every good faith effort to attend designated Checkoff times.
Although we understand that sometimes family commitments and trips can prevent meeting attendance, meeting individually with families for Checkoff can be extremely burdensome to our volunteers. Last year, for example, we had 35 “no shows” for meetings who requested one-on-one Checkoffs. Although one may have a tendency to think, “Well, Its just ONE. Surely she can make an exception”—there are 34 other families thinking the SAME THING. A separate meeting/late fee of $25.00 WILL APPLY for one-on-one/special meetings.
At meetings, our adult volunteers always take common sense steps to maintain good hygiene and a clean environment. We will not refrain from gathering together as needed to provide the loving Christian support and encouragement that every family needs and deserves. If you are too ill to attend a meeting, please contact the Administrator. Use Common Courtesy and Common Sense! Make up times/meetings will be provided for those who missed due to illness, although a late fee may apply.